Thursday, August 11, 2011

Camp Summary

Camp CUMCITO 2011 official camp season is over, resulting in many memories, relationships and changed lives. 

The summer was a HOT, dry one, but we thank God that there were no serious heat-related illnesses at camp.  The camp staff was pro-active in preventing this by serving Gatorade at meals, keeping the campers hydrated throughout the hot days with water, strategically placed around camp by our dedicated janitors.  

Another COOL way to be refreshed was the daily canteen, where campers get to choose one snack and one drink each day and eat in our shaded breezeway. 

There was a total of 473 campers over the 5 weekly sessions, with 262 volunteer staff to counsel, lead activities, keep well and well-fed and lead in two Chapels a day. The Chapel is one of the few air conditioned buildings on the grounds, so the campers could cool off while learning about our Ultimate Rescue, our Ultimate Hero . . . . Jesus

A large percentage of the campers earned the 'Memory Award' for memorizing a verse each day.  For doing that, they received a certificate and a selected 'reward' to take home, but most important, they received the Word of God, hidden in their hearts!

This week has been spent with Summer Staff and volunteers visiting the homes of each of our campers to take a packet of materials, any items left at camp and to build relationships.  This is the first event on our 'Follow-up' Calendar.  Any camp staff may choose one or more campers to stay in touch with throughout the year.  

The next big event to deepen the relationships that begun at camp will be the annual Fall Retreat on September 23-25.  Staff members can invite one or two campers to join them back at camp for a weekend of Fall activities! 

Camp CUMCITO is a wonderful opportunity for children from 4-16 years old to spend a week in the country, doing activities they wouldn't normally get to do, eat delicious meals, make new friends and learn about God.  But it is often the staff who are touched spiritually and changed forever.  If you have not yet volunteered for a week at Camp CUMCITO, and would like more information, please contact the camp office at   

Serving at camp this summer, along with our 262 volunteers were 4 amazing college students on our Camp Summer Intern program.  They served in different roles each week and helped clean and prepare for the next week each Saturday.  Thanks Brett, Sarah, Jesse and Cassandra!

Our camp summer interns: Brett Mach, Sarah Todd, Jesse Bonin,
Cassandra Hank, with Travis Bradburn, Camp Administrator

Teen Boys Camp - Friday's Canoe Trip

Today was the teen boy’s canoe trip and a ton of emotions took place on our long trip to Truman Lake. Walking down to the lake a few of the campers mentioned their training that they had to complete for the adventure today. It took a total of three days. They worked on paddling & flipping the canoe over after being in the water, and how to walk with the heavy canoe. 

The walk to the lake was long and hot. After reaching the water the campers were refreshed. The canoes went in the water and they headed to the cliff. 

The staff checked the water below the jump site for branches or rocks and after everything was cleared, the campers began the 25 foot climb to the top. 

At the top of the cliff the campers agreed it was a little frightening, but after their first jump they climbed right back up and did it a second and third time. 

Before they knew it, it was time to go. A total of three canoes flipped over on are way back. A few campers trying to help out the others practiced what they had learned in training.  It took a lot of help from the staff to make this activity happen, but it was well worth the effort as everyone thought it was a fun trip. Everyone made it back just in time for dinner, with many campers already thinking about their next canoe trip!

Friday, August 5, 2011

8/4 – Prayers & Praises

Praise God for the rain that has cooled down camp today. This summer has been one of the driest and hottest in many years.  The storm that came through this morning was refreshing. Last night, one of the counselors asked a boy at his bunk if he could be praying for anything. The reply, “pray that it would be cooler,” saw a very quick and clear response, and this morning their whole cabin was excited and remarking how immediately God answered their prayer.

This is the point of the week when campers are worn out and comfortable enough with their new environment to really begin testing boundaries if they haven’t been already. Pray that our staff would find energy from God and understand his will in how to handle difficult situations. 

From our counselors:

  • ML: Praise that after lunch yesterday, the campers seemed revitalized and maintained very positive attitudes through the hot afternoon. The counselor was especially grateful for their engaging and harmonious day with one another.  This morning, extra cabin cleanup time was given because flag raising was cancelled due to the storm. This cabin created a life-sized dummy by stuffing clothes and odds and ends and positioned it in a chair right inside the door. It apparently achieved its design when the cabin inspector walked in and jumped in surprise.
  • MR: Three boys from this cabin spent time with the director this morning after tempers flared during an argument. They had never had any problems before and the afternoon has gone smoothly, so pray that this would be an isolated incident and that there would be peace among them. One of the boys in particular has a short fuse, but his counselor says he has been making real strides in controlling his anger. Another boy does very well with his cabin group, but when mixed among other campers, he often gets into frustrating arguments.  Pray that they would stay awake during chapel and devotional times in order to hear the word that God has for them. One camper who is paying pretty good attention is asking important questions and has kept repeating how much he wants to come back next year and maybe serve as staff someday.  During cabin time yesterday, a camper asked the counselor if he ever cried. When the counselor said that he sometimes did when he was especially happy or sad in front of a group, a surprised camper replied earnestly, “Go ahead and cry during devotions. We’ll all cry along with you.”  
  • EL: Please pray that the counselor would be filled with God’s energy. He continues to pour it out through a very long summer with few full nights of sleep. One camper continues to go his own way and refuses to cooperate if an activity or task is not attractive to him. Pray that he would be able to integrate relationally with the rest of the cabin and with his counselor. Praise that last night’s devos went remarkably well and honestly compared to nights past. One camper in particular had many intellectual questions about God’s existence and Christ’s identity.
  • ER: Two boys who had gotten into significant trouble yesterday seemed to have turned their attitudes around. They were removed from the group and spent much of the afternoon and evening slowly working with the director and his staff. This morning and afternoon, they both seem to want to move on and enjoy the remainder of the week. Another boy in this cabin also has been a great encouragement to the counselor with his infectious laugh. Praise God for these blessings that have been encouragements to a new counselor who found himself discouraged earlier in the week.
  • ENL: Yesterday, the counselor had a long heart-to-heart talk with a camper about his bullying behavior and occasionally disruptive attitude. Last night at devotions, that camper along with another one opened up about their own pasts and the ways in which they were put down and bullied and hurt by others as younger kids. They talked about how they sometimes try to work through that by picking on other people now, but that they really desire to do better and turn that around. The counselor remarked that it was a cool bonding moment for the entire cabin, and this morning they all seemed to be getting along very well.
  • PR: Pray for two boys who seem to always put up walls during devotions. They do not engage in the conversation and stay at a distance. Pray that they would open up or that the content of the discussion would be penetrating their hearts even if no outward indication is present this week. Another camper struggled very much with homesickness last night and seems to still have home on his mind this morning. Pray that he would be distracted by the fun activities at camp and by adults who interact with and love him here.
  • PL: One camper in particular has become a very disruptive presence in this cabin. The remaining boys in the cabin have overcome other obstacles from earlier in the week, which is encouraging, but this one in particular has displayed a keen determination to undermine cabin unity and counselor guidance. Pray that our staff would be wise through the disciplinary and problem solving process with this camper. The counselor asks for prayers in discerning when to call in the director for assistance and for a heart that is not only patient with this camper, but a heart that genuinely loves him.
  • CR: Praise that devotions improved from the night before as far as camper attentiveness and interest. Pray for one boy who continues to work through his short temper. Pray for the counselor who still struggles with pain from a sprained ankle and for patience with his campers. Praise that important camp friendships are developing, and also pray for a camper who each night requests prayers for his dad back home who has AIDS.
  • CL: Praise for a cabin who continues to lead as the older campers who are enthusiastic about camp and their faith! The counselor from across the hall (who has a cabin of 13-year-olds), shared how awesome it has been to have good role models on the other side of the cabin. He said they would occasionally peek in the door to encourage them to do the right thing when they were getting loud or off focus, and they “are looking out for them like older brothers.” Pray for the counselor from this cabin who has a bad scratch on his eye. He received medical care in Warsaw today and it will heal fine, but it continues to bother him in his sleep especially. Pray that he would be adequately rested for the remainder of the week.

8/4 - Campers today may be our staff of tomorrow!

All week our staff has been working to reach out to our campers. Today has been full of activities such as swimming, archery, and canoeing.  Despite the heat and even with the rain, it has been a fun day!

One of our kitchen staff, Ms. Bobby, who is preparing our big dinner of fried chicken for tonight, is VERY JOYFUL! She works at Recovery Prison Ministry (RPM) throughout the year. She says she loves Camp CUMCITO because what is shared here can help these young people from falling into sin; especially the growing boys that are at camp this week. One of our campers has talked to Ms. Bobby and plans to come back next year as a kitchen staff member.  Ms. Bobby says she is where she needs to be. You do not have to be successful, you just have to be faithful.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Boys Will Be Boys . . .

The campers went to Truman Lake to spent several hours on the beach with activities of swimming, football, and volleyball.

All of our counselors are trying to connect with their campers. The ways we have been trying to reach these boys this is week is through singing, chapel time, devotions, prayer, and through our attitudes. We also have activities such as swimming, derby car making, egg wars, and trust and skill activities. For example, one of our counselors, James, was having a tough time connecting with his campers. But today he is a new person as he reminds himself that he is here to guide them towards the Lord! 

“He guides the humble in what is right
and teaches them His way.” Psalm 25:9 


8/3 – Prayer Requests & Praises

  • Counselors are doing great having patience with campers in very demanding situations. Our disciplinary procedures and staff are all working pro-actively to solve problems before they grow into crisis. Praise God for an excellent staff with willing hearts!
  • Please pray for staff and campers as they endure the hot weather and oppressive sun. Everyone’s energy levels are quickly zapped by working and playing outside, and we are thankful that everyone is working hard to stay hydrated and that there have been no major heat-related health problems.
  • Last night’s cabin devotions outlined God’s plan of salvation for the campers. Pray that God would continue to convict campers and lead counselors as they guide them through tough questions.
  • Pray for two campers who are negative towards one another and butting heads. One in particular is very critical of the other campers—please pray that they find a way to reconcile themselves and that the counselor would have wisdom in guiding that process.
  • Praise God that they are asking good questions during devotions. Another two campers are struggling with doubts and consistently asking whether the Bible can be trusted. The counselor thinks their questions are genuine and heartfelt and he sees true seeking hearts in them. Pray that God would open their hearts to receive his word. The cabin as a whole is also really enthusiastic about the memory verse and are doing well during that time. Pray that all our campers would hide pieces of God’s word in their heart for a lifetime. 
  • One camper has grown especially short-fused and is struggling to control his behavior. Pray that he would allow God’s peace into his heart and learn how to control himself. A second camper who really struggled with fighting at Camp last year is doing very well and it’s encouraging to see ways in which he has grown up. Last night, the campers asked their counselor how much he got paid for working with him this week and they were blown away by the fact that he is a volunteer who is sacrificing a week of his time to be with them.
  • One camper in particular purposefully isolates himself from the group. In years past he has had many discipline problems and certainly keeps pushing camper and staff buttons, testing the limits. As a sixteen year old, pray that he would feel a connection with the rest of his cabin and his counselor and be open to the message of God’s love. Pray that his counselor would have wisdom in fostering cabin unity and have faith that the camper is in God’s hands and it is not up to him to turn the camper’s heart around this last summer that he’ll be at camp.
  • Pray for another sixteen year old camper who has also heard other campers in other cabins talking and is now interested in returning next year as staff. Pray that he would understand that process and sustain his enthusiasm through the year.
  • Two boys in particular are very negative influences; as friend back home they play off one another and create a cynical environment in which there is little respect for one another. Pray that God would encourage the counselor especially and that our team would have discernment in handling this situation together. Pray also for one camper who continues to have very bad allergies.
  • Some campers are beginning to grow increasingly obstinate with one another, but they are still responding very well to our disciplinary procedures. One of the campers also just moved into a new foster home where there is a strong Christian influence. Pray that he would be able to take the message of the Gospel home from camp to a place where it will be reinforced consistently and grow in a transforming way in his life.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

8/2/11 - Counselor Prayer Requests & Related Stories

  • Overall, pray for good rest and against sleep deprivation. Four cabins went camping which cut hours of sleep considerably, but others also mentioned their lack of sleep last night. Campers are very restless and have trouble sleeping through the night in such warm temperatures.
  • The new counselors are doing great! They are teachable and throwing themselves into the tasks at hand. It’s a very impressive team overall.
  • One camper we hope changes his attitude about camp—that he doesn’t bring down the cabin this week and that the counselor would have grace and discernment in addressing him.
  • Two boys seem to have been given a realistic view of their sin and their need for a savior. Pray for their continued seeking spiritual questions.
  • One camper prayed for the cabin last night and after devotions told the counselor. “I told my girlfriend I wanted to come to camp again in order to learn more about God.” It was encouraging to hear his counselor from last year and talk about his growth.
  • At campout last night, they all slept on a tarp together. The counselor mentioned how proud he was of the boys’ behavior. They were stargazing together, and at one point all four boys erupted in surprise, shouting, “Did you see that?” We had all seen a magnificent shooting star, which was so cool to share with them as they had never seen one before.
  • More unity in one cabin—that everyone would be included. Praise for a counselor full of energy—he’s new and was called to come to camp two days before it started. He has been so willing to help and eager to learn.
  • One camper is really defiant when things don’t go his way. He will be too old to come to camp next year—pray that his heart would be softened and he’d enjoy all aspects of camp. Pray for their counselor who needs to rely on God’s strength. He has been at camp all summer and spent last week working extremely hard and with hardly any sleep as Primary Director.
  • Two campers seem to be excluding the others. Pray that there would be cabin unity. Also, the counselor asks for prayers to focus on his campers—he is feeling distracted from ministering to them.
  • One counselor took a week of vacation and drove from Ohio to make it here when he heard we still were short on Teen Boys counselors. Last week he was fighting a cold—please pray that it doesn’t come back with the stress of camp.
  • One camper is not allowed outside much and has been struggling with his health in the heat. Pray that he would be able to join his cabin as much as possible.
  • Please pray that one camper in particular would open up more. That his cabin wouldn’t stay divided between two sets of friends.
  • One camper who is on disciplinary probation is really struggling and putting forth effort to maintain his temper. Pray that God would fill him with the control necessary to make it through the week. A second camper struggled all yesterday with stomach aches and poor health. Today, without any direction to do so, he packed his bag to go home and walked to the office to do so. Pray that he would find things at camp that he looks forward to.
  • Praise for a great cabin with many boys who have spent many years at camp and look forward very much to this week. Pray for the counselor, who is physically exhausted and is working through a sprained ankle.
  • A counselor has an injured eye.  Please pray that he will be able to focus through that and that it would heal and not be irritating. Praise for this cabin’s unity and enthusiasm for camp. They are all 16 years old, and it is their last year, but 4 out of the 5 campers have expressed serious interest in returning next year as staff. This week, we have one counselor who was a former teen boy camper and one kitchen staff who was a teen boys camper last year. They have been encouraging and inspiring to the boys, who will hopefully maintain their interest in returning as staff

Lessons from Jonah this Week

'Playing with fire' wasn’t just what went on last night under the stars as the campers made smores. 'Playing with fire' also refers to sin. People come to camp thinking they have nothing to offer our Lord, but when we submit ourselves to Him, He can use each of us to do some AMAZING work for the Kingdom!

'You did not choose me. I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask for, using my name.'  - John 15:16 

Even when you have sinned more than once, He gives you many chances to do the right thing. 

'The Lord isn’t really slow in keeping His promise, as some think. No, He is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but everyone to repent.' - 2 Peter 3:9

Eternal life is the gift offered for us to follow Him. This week at camp the words of Jonah are being taught to express this message through chapel to connect with our campers.  Please pray that the campers can catch a glimpse of how precious they are to God.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Week Six - Teen Boys Camp

The heat plays no part on how enthusiastic we are for camp to start this week! Each camper should feel very welcome and loved stepping off the long bus ride to camp CUMCITO. It’s just the beginning of what kind of love our staff will share with the campers. We want them to have a closer relationship with God through the fun activities they experience at our camp. 

Now that some of the campers our visiting for their fourth and fifth time, we love to see how much they have grown! Many have grown physically AND spiritually to God over the years. 

This year it’s going to be hot, yes, but also amazing to see how each camper has the thirst for knowledge of God. “But when the Holy Spirit controls our lives, He will produce this kind of fruit in us: love,  joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Here there is no conflict with the law.” Galatians 5:22-23

Please continue praying with us for a FUN and HEALTHY week at camp for everyone!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Prayer Requests

Tot Lot
  • Counselor has a hurt ankle.
  • Pray that Counselor L won’t hold back with kids to stay engaged.

Prayer request for campers:
  • T – is having mood swings, pray for peace.
  • C- would listen better.
  • R- praying for sleep.
  • Pray for energy to make it through the week.
  • Pray for campers who are homesick.
  • Campers need to share.
  • That all children will experience God’s love.
  • Pray for children to improve social skills.

Big Camp 

  • Pray for camper E to understand the words of the Bible with faith.
  • Some campers have behavior issues, pray for their peace.
  • Praise that campers seem happy even with the extreme heat.
  • Pray that they all are eating well.
  • We had to send one camper home because of illness, pray that his experience for 2 days at camp will continue to guide him to Jesus.
  • Pray for Friday and the carnival as they spend their last full day together.
  • Continue prayer for all the staff as they serve the campers the way Jesus would.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Feeding (and Watering) the Lambs

Our camp is almost FULL of some pretty wonderful children who will learn more about Jesus each day.  It's HOT, but everyone is doing great. 

The children have come with great appetites and of course thirsty for water.  Which reminds us of John 6:35, 'I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirst.'

Please keep all the campers and staff in your prayers as we battle our thirst and hunger, both physically and spiritually for Christ.

7/27 - The Second Half of the Day

The nurses here at camp have seen a few upset tummy's  that the AC seems to help. One boy fell off the merry-go-round and scratched his shoulder. However, he took it like a champ and a band-aid made it all better!  This evening a few kiddos visited the clinic for asthma problems, with one having to be taken to the hospital because the treatments were not helping like they needed to. There is also a little girl sleeping in the clinic with asthma problems, but she is doing much better.  Please pray for these kids and that all the campers and staff stay healthy!

Today at the pool a little girl asked one of the cooks, "Where have I seen you before? The lady told her that she helps cook in the kitchen.  The girl replies, "I didn’t know cooks knew how to swim"
One of the girls was complimented on how well mannered she was, she said,"Well my mama said if I go to camp and don’t say yes ma'am, I'm gonna get it when I get home!"  Very polite young lady! 

A few new 'rules' some of the counselors made up today:
  • The rocks are getting overly hydrated, so please, stop watering the rocks!
  • An adult must be in the boat with the kids because the refreshing  wind that helped us so much today was NOT helping the kids as the boats were getting blown into the swimming beach!
Chapel was action packed with pirates flying through the air and sword fighting.   Some of the best times are just listening to the kids singing and praising the Lord!  They continue to get prizes for learning their memory verses. 

We have a few sleep-walkers -- walking out of chapel time totally EXHAUSTED and just plain tuckered out!   But there were a few activities left to do still!

One group went geo-caching around camp with their GPS'  finding clues and eventually the 'cache'....POPSICLES!   

Over in the kitchen some of the girls make some delicious chocolate chip cookies with a dash of cinnamon. YUMMY!  

Some of the boys learned to shoot the bow & arrow. It was a little tricky for some at first, but they practiced and were able to hit the target! Water balloon fights, swimming and lake time were some of the other evening activities. 

Finally, it was time to hit the sack, everyone was worn out from going strong all day long!

(Submitted by 2011 Camp Journalist -  Amy Painter)

7/27 - The First Half of the Day

 Everyone was up and ready to go this morning!  The raising of the flag was Amazing. All the kids lined up, unfolded the flag and said the pledge of allegiance. We all went over for prayer and to eat breakfast and some of the kids got their turn at being the hopper. A hopper is the only one that gets to get up and get more food or drinks if someone at their table needs something. They all take so much pride in their jobs and responsibilities. 
Chapel this morning was quite a show! A puppet show that is, starring Diego and Isabel. Diego let Isabel know that God loves you no matter if you are naughty, if you did something bad, or if you are in a messed-up situation.  Diego made sure that Isabel knew that God loves her NO MATTER WHAT!! God always wants the best for you!  The kids said their memory verse for the day and got to pick their prizes. 
After Chapel some of the girls played volley ball and kick ball, with plenty of home runs, bump sets and spikes!  Followed by more fun making play-dough pizzas, tacos, and ice-cream, and some bubble time too! 

Meanwhile, the boys went down to the lake for a cool down enjoying swimming, canoe races, water trampoline and fishing.  There were a few boys that noticed how 'icky' the mud was, so they were encouraged to step in it to see what a good job God did by making the earth so neat feeling. They LOVED it!  The fish were biting one after the other and several brave souls enjoyed holding them!

(Submitted by 2011 Camp Journalist -  Amy Painter)

Week Five - Primary Camp & Tot Lot

Wowzers! All the kids arrived to Camp CUMCITO around noon, with such enthusiasm and high spirits, just in time for some yummy lunch! It was truly amazing to see each and every one of them just fall into place. We are all here for a reason -- God has something to show us. The first day was great success! Of course the pool was the COOL place to be, but making cookies in the kitchen, water balloon fights, fishing, canoeing, the water trampoline, and chapel were also other great starters for the first day! 

Today’s topic: Admit that you have sinned. 

“God is faithful and fair, if we ADMIT we have sinned. He will forgive us our sin.” 1 John 1:9 

This is the memory verse for the day, by midweek everyone should know their verse and receive an exciting prize for reciting it at Chapel. We have a bunch of smart, good lookin' kiddos around here, so I’m pretty sure there will be tons of prizes given out tomorrow! 

Thanks for all the prayers and ongoing support for these kids and staff workers this week!

(Submitted by 2011 Camp Journalist -  Amy Painter)

Friday, July 22, 2011

A special guest at craft time!

One afternoon, after the campers were done with crafts, the staffers noticed what they thought was a really BIG BUG flying all crazy around the craft hall.  When it finally landed in exhaustion they could see that it wasn’t a bug at all, but a hummingbird.  She was resting on a stick lying on the floor in a dark corner.  As Miss Lauren picked up the stick and the hummingbird continued to sit very still.  Crafts Director, Miss Anne, had time to grab her camera and take a picture before the girls took the stick outside and the bird then flew up into the tree.

Devotions, journaling, and spiritual breakthroughs...

Mr. David and Mr. Nathan gave each one of their campers a brand new journal before devotions Monday evening.  The boys were told that it belonged to them and that they could use it any way they wanted.  They had a very encouraging devotion that night after chapel and the boys were given their first verses to memorize.  The next morning the counselor was up early and all but one of the boys were still sleeping.  One camper was awake and had been for a while.  He had written his verses in his new journal and was already working on memorizing them.  By morning devotions he had memorized his verses and he was eager to share his enthusiasm with his cabin mates.
Mr. Jon and Mr. Christopher gave their testimonies to their campers at Tuesday night devotions.  They both shared some very personal and difficult experiences from their own lives.  Both guys talked about their empathy for others and unconditional love they had for those people who had caused them so much emotional pain.  Afterwards one of the boys approached Jon and said that he never thinks about how other people feel, but after listening to the counselor’s testimonies he now wants to feel something for others.  He asked Jon about how he could do that.  Jon is looking forward to using this open door to tell this young man about God’s love.  Pray for Jon and this young man to have some serious one-on-one time together and for this camper to let Jesus touch his heart and change his life.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Week Four - Preteen and Tot Lot Camps this week

We are talking HOT!!!!!!  Amazing when we actually see the temperature -- it has registered at 106 in the sun and 104 in the shade, so swimming and air conditioned chapel time are welcome respites.  Lots of water and Gatorade!  Everyone carries their water bottle around all the time and Steve and Stan are refilling 8-9 water igloos four times a day, which are strategically placed all over the camp.

Thank you for praying…

  • Pray for Tot Lot teacher, Cindy, and Big Camp teacher, Mark.  They are doing great – want to see the kids be receptive.  Big camp gender divided.   Chapel on Monday night was  excellent.
  • Lots of distractions in chapel time.   
Prayer requests for specific campers or cabins:

  • Problems with discipline
  • Potential to be bullied
  • Homesick
  • False beliefs, but asking questions
  • Boy woke up early and wrote verses in journal
  • Wants to work on anger problems
  • Sleeps in chapel
  • Needy
  • Potential for clashes
  • Cliques forming
  • Always wants attention
  • Starting to bond more and fight less
  • Several very interested in salvation
  • Says things to get a reaction
  • Learning verses quickly
  • A couple with heat related reactions
  • One child ill with possible virus, does not want to go home!