Friday, July 29, 2011

Prayer Requests

Tot Lot
  • Counselor has a hurt ankle.
  • Pray that Counselor L won’t hold back with kids to stay engaged.

Prayer request for campers:
  • T – is having mood swings, pray for peace.
  • C- would listen better.
  • R- praying for sleep.
  • Pray for energy to make it through the week.
  • Pray for campers who are homesick.
  • Campers need to share.
  • That all children will experience God’s love.
  • Pray for children to improve social skills.

Big Camp 

  • Pray for camper E to understand the words of the Bible with faith.
  • Some campers have behavior issues, pray for their peace.
  • Praise that campers seem happy even with the extreme heat.
  • Pray that they all are eating well.
  • We had to send one camper home because of illness, pray that his experience for 2 days at camp will continue to guide him to Jesus.
  • Pray for Friday and the carnival as they spend their last full day together.
  • Continue prayer for all the staff as they serve the campers the way Jesus would.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Feeding (and Watering) the Lambs

Our camp is almost FULL of some pretty wonderful children who will learn more about Jesus each day.  It's HOT, but everyone is doing great. 

The children have come with great appetites and of course thirsty for water.  Which reminds us of John 6:35, 'I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirst.'

Please keep all the campers and staff in your prayers as we battle our thirst and hunger, both physically and spiritually for Christ.

7/27 - The Second Half of the Day

The nurses here at camp have seen a few upset tummy's  that the AC seems to help. One boy fell off the merry-go-round and scratched his shoulder. However, he took it like a champ and a band-aid made it all better!  This evening a few kiddos visited the clinic for asthma problems, with one having to be taken to the hospital because the treatments were not helping like they needed to. There is also a little girl sleeping in the clinic with asthma problems, but she is doing much better.  Please pray for these kids and that all the campers and staff stay healthy!

Today at the pool a little girl asked one of the cooks, "Where have I seen you before? The lady told her that she helps cook in the kitchen.  The girl replies, "I didn’t know cooks knew how to swim"
One of the girls was complimented on how well mannered she was, she said,"Well my mama said if I go to camp and don’t say yes ma'am, I'm gonna get it when I get home!"  Very polite young lady! 

A few new 'rules' some of the counselors made up today:
  • The rocks are getting overly hydrated, so please, stop watering the rocks!
  • An adult must be in the boat with the kids because the refreshing  wind that helped us so much today was NOT helping the kids as the boats were getting blown into the swimming beach!
Chapel was action packed with pirates flying through the air and sword fighting.   Some of the best times are just listening to the kids singing and praising the Lord!  They continue to get prizes for learning their memory verses. 

We have a few sleep-walkers -- walking out of chapel time totally EXHAUSTED and just plain tuckered out!   But there were a few activities left to do still!

One group went geo-caching around camp with their GPS'  finding clues and eventually the 'cache'....POPSICLES!   

Over in the kitchen some of the girls make some delicious chocolate chip cookies with a dash of cinnamon. YUMMY!  

Some of the boys learned to shoot the bow & arrow. It was a little tricky for some at first, but they practiced and were able to hit the target! Water balloon fights, swimming and lake time were some of the other evening activities. 

Finally, it was time to hit the sack, everyone was worn out from going strong all day long!

(Submitted by 2011 Camp Journalist -  Amy Painter)

7/27 - The First Half of the Day

 Everyone was up and ready to go this morning!  The raising of the flag was Amazing. All the kids lined up, unfolded the flag and said the pledge of allegiance. We all went over for prayer and to eat breakfast and some of the kids got their turn at being the hopper. A hopper is the only one that gets to get up and get more food or drinks if someone at their table needs something. They all take so much pride in their jobs and responsibilities. 
Chapel this morning was quite a show! A puppet show that is, starring Diego and Isabel. Diego let Isabel know that God loves you no matter if you are naughty, if you did something bad, or if you are in a messed-up situation.  Diego made sure that Isabel knew that God loves her NO MATTER WHAT!! God always wants the best for you!  The kids said their memory verse for the day and got to pick their prizes. 
After Chapel some of the girls played volley ball and kick ball, with plenty of home runs, bump sets and spikes!  Followed by more fun making play-dough pizzas, tacos, and ice-cream, and some bubble time too! 

Meanwhile, the boys went down to the lake for a cool down enjoying swimming, canoe races, water trampoline and fishing.  There were a few boys that noticed how 'icky' the mud was, so they were encouraged to step in it to see what a good job God did by making the earth so neat feeling. They LOVED it!  The fish were biting one after the other and several brave souls enjoyed holding them!

(Submitted by 2011 Camp Journalist -  Amy Painter)

Week Five - Primary Camp & Tot Lot

Wowzers! All the kids arrived to Camp CUMCITO around noon, with such enthusiasm and high spirits, just in time for some yummy lunch! It was truly amazing to see each and every one of them just fall into place. We are all here for a reason -- God has something to show us. The first day was great success! Of course the pool was the COOL place to be, but making cookies in the kitchen, water balloon fights, fishing, canoeing, the water trampoline, and chapel were also other great starters for the first day! 

Today’s topic: Admit that you have sinned. 

“God is faithful and fair, if we ADMIT we have sinned. He will forgive us our sin.” 1 John 1:9 

This is the memory verse for the day, by midweek everyone should know their verse and receive an exciting prize for reciting it at Chapel. We have a bunch of smart, good lookin' kiddos around here, so I’m pretty sure there will be tons of prizes given out tomorrow! 

Thanks for all the prayers and ongoing support for these kids and staff workers this week!

(Submitted by 2011 Camp Journalist -  Amy Painter)

Friday, July 22, 2011

A special guest at craft time!

One afternoon, after the campers were done with crafts, the staffers noticed what they thought was a really BIG BUG flying all crazy around the craft hall.  When it finally landed in exhaustion they could see that it wasn’t a bug at all, but a hummingbird.  She was resting on a stick lying on the floor in a dark corner.  As Miss Lauren picked up the stick and the hummingbird continued to sit very still.  Crafts Director, Miss Anne, had time to grab her camera and take a picture before the girls took the stick outside and the bird then flew up into the tree.

Devotions, journaling, and spiritual breakthroughs...

Mr. David and Mr. Nathan gave each one of their campers a brand new journal before devotions Monday evening.  The boys were told that it belonged to them and that they could use it any way they wanted.  They had a very encouraging devotion that night after chapel and the boys were given their first verses to memorize.  The next morning the counselor was up early and all but one of the boys were still sleeping.  One camper was awake and had been for a while.  He had written his verses in his new journal and was already working on memorizing them.  By morning devotions he had memorized his verses and he was eager to share his enthusiasm with his cabin mates.
Mr. Jon and Mr. Christopher gave their testimonies to their campers at Tuesday night devotions.  They both shared some very personal and difficult experiences from their own lives.  Both guys talked about their empathy for others and unconditional love they had for those people who had caused them so much emotional pain.  Afterwards one of the boys approached Jon and said that he never thinks about how other people feel, but after listening to the counselor’s testimonies he now wants to feel something for others.  He asked Jon about how he could do that.  Jon is looking forward to using this open door to tell this young man about God’s love.  Pray for Jon and this young man to have some serious one-on-one time together and for this camper to let Jesus touch his heart and change his life.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Week Four - Preteen and Tot Lot Camps this week

We are talking HOT!!!!!!  Amazing when we actually see the temperature -- it has registered at 106 in the sun and 104 in the shade, so swimming and air conditioned chapel time are welcome respites.  Lots of water and Gatorade!  Everyone carries their water bottle around all the time and Steve and Stan are refilling 8-9 water igloos four times a day, which are strategically placed all over the camp.

Thank you for praying…

  • Pray for Tot Lot teacher, Cindy, and Big Camp teacher, Mark.  They are doing great – want to see the kids be receptive.  Big camp gender divided.   Chapel on Monday night was  excellent.
  • Lots of distractions in chapel time.   
Prayer requests for specific campers or cabins:

  • Problems with discipline
  • Potential to be bullied
  • Homesick
  • False beliefs, but asking questions
  • Boy woke up early and wrote verses in journal
  • Wants to work on anger problems
  • Sleeps in chapel
  • Needy
  • Potential for clashes
  • Cliques forming
  • Always wants attention
  • Starting to bond more and fight less
  • Several very interested in salvation
  • Says things to get a reaction
  • Learning verses quickly
  • A couple with heat related reactions
  • One child ill with possible virus, does not want to go home!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Derby Car Racing!

The excitement is building for the Derby Car race tonight. Everyone is working frantically to get their cars ready.  Please pray for all to have fun whether they win or not.

The chapel sessions on the Book of Ruth have been causing a lot of deep thought and soul searching.

Prayer requests:
  • The residents of Cedar Crest Cabin have a sick child.  Please pray for his recovery and the family's well being.
  • One of the ladies (KL) is making a trip back to the city today as her son is flying in to spend some time with her and her daughter.  It has been a while since she has seen him.  Please pray for a safe trip for him and her and her daughter, and a happy reunion.  Also, that there will be peace among the family members.
  • One lady shared with staff that she was feeling empty although she has been a Christian for some time.  Please pray that she will be encouraged.
  • Also, please pray for peace among the campers, especially M and P.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A few prayer requests from Family Camp

Chapel at Family Camp has been tremendous!  The theme for the week is the Book of Ruth and Romans 15:4.  Melanie GoLightly is our speaker and the small group discussions have been very soul searching and practical.  The campers are doing some deep thinking.  Praise the Lord for this wonderful teaching and for all concerned.  

We have the following prayer requests:
  • Please pray for our chapel speaker, the camp staff and all the 'everyday things' that make it run smoothly.
  • A camper who is struggling with responsibilities & personal issues.
  • Another camper had to be moved to air conditioning and is also struggling with responsibilities & personal issues.
  • One camper is suffering with migraine headaches.

Week Three - Family Camp

Our first 2 weeks of camp have gone very well!  This week is Family Camp, which is for our NLP clients (New Life Program), the Women's Community Bible study group, shelter guests that are in our New Beginnings Covenant program, and those in our NLP Supertrack program, as well as all of their families.

The camp activities and chapel this week are focused on building up the family through fun crafts, games and worship time together.

Although most of our staff positions have been filled with volunteers this summer, we do still have a few positions that have not been filled, which could cause us to turn some campers away who have already registered.  Please pray about filling one or more of these positions or sharing this with a someone else who might possibly be interested.  Thank you!


Next week - Pre teen camp (July 17-23)
  • 1 male counselor
  • 2 male assistant counselors (or we will have to turn away up to 16 campers)
  • 1 lifeguard (or rec staff with no lifeguard certificate)

Last week of camp - Teen Boys (July 31-Aug 6)
  • 3 male counselors (or we will have to turn away up to 15 campers)
  • 2 lifeguards

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Teen Girls Banquet

Friday is always a bittersweet day at camp.  During Teen-Girls week we look forward to the banquet that night and the HOURS of preparation the girls spend in making themselves more beautiful!  Stations are set-up in the cabins to do hair, makeup and nails.  The girls bring dresses from home in anticipation of the special evening.  They are then treated like ladies as they are served their meal of fried chicken and mashed potatoes by the males we have on staff this week, as well as a few others who come down for the occasion.

Chapel on this night includes the girls dancing, the choir singing, and awards being presented.  There might even be a few tears shed as the 16 year old graduates of camp will be asked to speak about what camp has meant to them.  Almost all of the 8 graduates began camp in tot lot as 4-6 year olds!  However, even though this will be their last camper experience, they all say they want to come back as camp staff next year.  
The 16 year old girls are often good role models for the younger girls.  Yesterday at the pool one of the 13 year old campers was sad because she doesn’t have a boyfriend.  Her 16 year old cabin mate said, “Girl you worry about your education first and then you worry about finding a boyfriend.  You got that, education and then boys!!”

It will be sad to see the 16 year olds graduate, but we hope to be seeing them as staff next year! 
Prayer requests:
  • For campers who have prayed and received Christ to continue at home.
  • For those campers who have yet to receive Christ.
  • Peace in mind in hearts, endurance, strength for counselors and staff.
  • Lives will truly be transformed for Christ’s glory.

Nancy, Journalist, Teen Girls' Camp 2011

Craft & Recreation Time

As important as the chapel time is at camp, the camp activities probably provide most of the memories.

Our craft director, Miss Lane, said craft time allows the campers to express their creativity, even the creativity they don’t know they have!  She believes everyone is creative in their own way.  God made each of us unique and to be able to communicate with Him in many ways whether it is through writing, sports, or crafts.  Our God is so creative and there is evidence of His creation all over camp.  (Even though the campers don’t like bugs, there are so many different kinds to see!)  Miss Lane loves to see them go from “I can’t do that.  That’s too hard,” to “Look what I made!”  They are surprised and it makes them feel successful.

Another place for campers to try new things is during activities which are only available at camp.  Mr. Mike, our longtime Teen Girls’ Camp recreation director, said he keeps coming back because he gets to spend time with every camper.  By the end of camp, he knows all their names!  He and his rec. staff provide safety and security especially when a new activity might be scary.  Mr. Mike encourages the girls to try and try again to pass the deep end swim test.  Many of the campers have never been to a lake before.  He coaxes them one foot in at a time.  (The lake trampoline is quite an incentive!)  Archery is another skill that can be attempted at camp.  The campers are given the illustration of the official archery term “sin” having the meaning of “missing the mark.”  But our God is a God of second chances.  Praise the Lord!

Nancy, Camp Journalist, Teen Girls' Camp 2011

Thursday, July 7, 2011

More prayer requests at Teen Girls camp -

Wednesday morning we woke up to gentle rain showers.  It is a bit cooler, but still very humid.  It has stopped for now.  Please pray that the rain will not prevent our plans for the rest of the day. (swimming, picnic supper, camping out, etc.)

Prayer requests and praises from the counselors for Wednesday:

T - Continual guidance from God and that hearts will be softened too/ campers are opening up in devotions and reflection time and can tell that God is grabbing their hearts.
S - A camper’s attitude continues to get worse and she is being disrespectful/ devotion time went well.
R - Pray for personal areas God is and will work out/ cabin is having no more strife.
M - Camper has a lot of pain and doesn’t believe in God because of past/counselor is feeling a lot better physically.
C - Can’t sleep well, renewed energy, strength and maintaining an upbeat attitude/God has been allowing honest conversation and softening of hearts.
T - Energy and wisdom/campers are asking good questions and are engaged in devotionals.
L - Camper is shutting down and the cabin out, another camper is opening up about distance from God/information is sinking in and campers are talking about it.
S - Girls will get the most out of the week without grumbling and counselor will not be discouraged/ camper prayed to receive Christ! She longs to know Him more.
M - Emotional and physical strength/campers are feeling comfortable about having real conversations regarding rough moments.
M - Campers have been snappy today, pray division will end quickly & relationship with one particular camper will be solidified/relationship with camper has slowly and steadily been established.
L - Transformation for campers, be thankful/ words of wisdom for counselor to articulate how to live for God.
R - Keep opening my heart and totally relying on the Lord for strength/campers are opening up.

(Nancy, Journalist, Teen Girls' Camp 2011)


Last night we had our first teen-girls egg war! At first the girls didn’t know quite what to expect.  We used 40 dozen eggs and we ended up with most of the girls ready for showers afterwards.  The only casualty was a counselor and 2 campers who found a bee hive in the woods and consequently bee stings.  Please pray those will heal quickly.  Tonight is our late night swim and smoothies are provided as refreshment.  Pray for no lightning to spoil our fun.

Last night at chapel the air conditioning quit working and it was extremely hot during the teaching time.  Praise God it has since been fixed!  You never know what the evil one might try to use to disrupt God’s Word from being spoken!  The girls were very patient.

We learned that one of the men from The Farm left the Christian Life Program.  Please pray God will protect him and lead him to another group of believers.

Pray for wisdom for the counselors as the campers are asking a LOT of hard questions.  Specifically from our counselors:

C  -  Seriousness during devotions/camp out was fun last night.
M  -  Wisdom during devotionals for tough questions being asked/renewed energy for today.
R  -  Campers worth to be found in God, ability to point the girls to Jesus, give my all, 
Christ increase, I decrease.
C  -  To be militant about speaking truth into scary places in the girls’ lives.
L  -  That God’s Word really begins to penetrate their hearts and to really process and apply what they are learning.
L  -    Maintain enthusiasm, remember to pray continually and, pray for forgetfulness of  camper/campers bonding and caring about camp more.
M  -  Wisdom and strength to love no matter what/ camper that has been struggling remembered her memory verses!
R  -  Able to be equipped and have Spirit filled conversations with campers/  campers are getting along better and including a camper who had been an “outcast”.
S  -  Campers’ hearts will be opened and they will allow the Lord to dig deeper/ the girls are amazing!
M  -  Continue being healed, camper that doesn’t know or believe in God will be more open to learn about Him, devotionals are clear and easy to understand for all campers.

Thank you for your prayers!  We couldn’t do it without you upholding us!

(Nancy, Journalist, Teen Girls' Camp 2011)

Meet a few of our VIP's!

This morning our new camp cook made breakfast for the first time (without the expert help of one of our experienced cooks who came down to show her the ropes).  We had French toast and bacon…..Yum!  At camp we do not only meet the spiritual and emotional needs of the campers, we also meet their physical needs.  The kitchen staff has to be awake and ready to move quickly at 7am each morning.  Ms Ellen, our new cook, says that the job is overwhelming, but doable.  She is amazed at the thankfulness shown by the campers as well as the staff, some of whom see the same menu every week.

Another very important person at camp is our nurse.  This year we have a mother and daughter team.  Ms Cheryl brought her mother to be her assistant.  Ms Karen has had her eyes opened with a new view of American culture.  The nurses are kept busy with headaches and upset stomachs which can sometimes be heat related.  There are always lots of bumps and bruises which need band-aids and some old fashioned TLC.  The nurses give out encouragement and love as well as taking care of physical needs.  They also have a stash of chocolate for those staff members who need some comfort.

Ms Debbie, our canteen/laundry worker, washes hundreds of towels so the campers have a fresh one every day.  Canteen is always a favorite time of day.  In the middle of swim time, the campers are able to get a pop and a snack.

Last, but not least, are our faithful janitors.  They start work at 6am cleaning the shower houses.  They also have to make sure every cabin has enough toilet paper to last the day!  Their work is behind the scenes, but very necessary and very much appreciated!

Every morning our beloved kitchen staff, nurse, canteen/laundry worker, and janitors all meet for a time of prayer.  We share testimonies, a devotional time and receive instruction for the day from the camp manager.  It is a GREAT start for each day as we each have the opportunity to pour into the lives of these young people!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Week Two: Teen Girls Camp

Our time in the chapel is the heart of camp.  The teaching and worship times help us to remember why we are here and that this is God’s camp.  We have only to be available to be used by Him.

‘The Ultimate Rescue, The Ultimate Hero’ is our camp theme this year.  It comes from Zeph. 3:17.  The Bible is all about Jesus from beginning to end.  Our Bible teacher, Miss Kalie, started her teaching in Genesis.  God created a perfect world and He didn’t intend for suffering to happen.  However, He uses suffering as part of the plan He has for each one of us.

Tonight’s chapel will focus on sin and how sin causes slavery; Slavery to the things of the world and what it has to offer.  For most of us, God is simply not enough.  His rules and boundaries actually set us free and yet we often choose to go our own way.

On Wednesday, Miss Kalie will talk about how it is our heart’s desire to be pursued and rescued.  She will tell the story of Homer and Hosea.  God also pursues us and buys us back.  That will lead into Thursday’s teaching about the cross being the ultimate expression of God’s love.

Somehow, we try to make the rescue (the Gospel message) about us.  We wonder why everything in our lives is not perfect once we choose to believe.  Friday, Miss Kalie will try to answer that big question as well as questions the girls have.  They were asked to consider what one question they would you really like to ask God.

This week at Teen Girls Camp, we will all hear from God through Miss Kalie and the worship times in which we give God all the glory.
(From Nancy, Camp Journalist, Teen Girls' Camp 2011)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Arts & Crafts

Every summer at Camp CUMCITO, we include Arts & Crafts in the daily afternoon rotation for the campers. The craft staff loves their time spent with the campers. Arts & Craft time is a great opportunity to reinforce what the campers are learning at chapel. It also encourages creativity and gives the boys and girls something to take home to show their family and friends. Our hope is that the crafts will also serve as a reminder throughout the year of what they have learned at camp. 

Friday, July 1, 2011

YAY! Camp CUMCITO has started!!!

This week was Junior Camp. The first day I met Deon, he didn’t have a smile on his face. He looked angry.  After talking with him a while, I discovered that he was not angry, but instead was just feeling nervous. This was his first time at Camp CUMCITO! This was the first camp for me as well and that was a really big deal for both of us. He asked me my name and he tried memorizing it.  He said he was nervous because he was away from his family and friends.

Later, we met again in the pool. As soon as he saw me, he showed me how well he could swim and asked if I would take a picture of him.  By this time he was really enjoying himself.

We met again on the road and Deon told me, “I don’t feel nervous anymore.  Soyoung, are you still feeling nervous?” He remembered what we had talked about on that first day and he had been worrying about me. I was so touched and so happy. He said that he LOVED camp now. This is how it goes for most of the kids who come to camp for the first time.  It has been a FUN week!

(Soyoung is our journalist at Camp CUMCITO this week.)