What a Camp season! It was the HOTTEST & driest in recent years, but it was also a high point spiritually. Every week, the joyful participation in chapels from children of all ages was evident. Kids praising God, memorizing verses and learning about their King Coming!
We served 470 campers this summer and had 49 salvations reported! On Monday, June 25, 88 Jr campers and 36 Tots came rolling in on the buses for a wonderful week. The next week was Teen Girls. We had 52 teen girls enthusiastically try to drown their teacher/director/friend – Kalie, all week on the battle barge and do some deep soul searching. After a week for our families from our Christian Life Program – (the only ‘cooler’, rainy week all summer!) the HEAT and campers returned.
On July 16, 89 Pre-Teen campers and 36 more Tots arrived for the Great Race to carnivals. The following week, we had 91 Primary campers and 34 Tots roll in for another hot week, in which our main ice machine went down (and stayed down for the rest of the season.) Our final week was for Teen Boys. We had 44 young men who enjoyed lake activities and first chapel around the campfire, the annual EGG WAR, CUMCITO Olympics and the huge water balloon fight on Friday.
All of this would not be possible without the dedication of our volunteer camp staff. Their dedication is so much appreciated. Some volunteers spent a week, or two, or even up to 6 weeks filling staff positions. There willingness to serve allowed campers to enjoy a week away from the city and discover more deeply the love of Christ, so well demonstrated through each of the volunteers.
Our annual Fall Retreat is scheduled for the end of this month and we are anticipating a weekend of fun activities and relationship building for some of our campers from the summer. There has already been much excitement from camp staff about coming to the retreat and re-connecting with campers. Please pray for God to do amazing things on this weekend of relationship building.
Submitted by Peggy Ramsey, Camp Specialist at City Union Mission
Submitted by Peggy Ramsey, Camp Specialist at City Union Mission