Thursday, September 6, 2012

A Summer in Review

What a Camp season!  It was the HOTTEST & driest in recent years, but it was also a high point spiritually.  Every week, the joyful participation in chapels from children of all ages was evident.  Kids praising God, memorizing verses and learning about their King Coming! 

We served 470 campers this summer and had 49 salvations reported!  On Monday, June 25, 88 Jr campers and 36 Tots came rolling in on the buses for a wonderful week. The next week was Teen Girls.  We had 52 teen girls enthusiastically try to drown their teacher/director/friend – Kalie, all week on the battle barge and do some deep soul searching.  After a week for our families from our Christian Life Program – (the only ‘cooler’, rainy week all summer!) the HEAT and campers returned. 
On July 16, 89 Pre-Teen campers and 36 more Tots arrived for the Great Race to carnivals.  The following week, we had 91 Primary campers and 34 Tots roll in for another hot week, in which our main ice machine went down (and stayed down for the rest of the season.)  Our final week was for Teen Boys.  We had 44 young men who enjoyed lake activities and first chapel around the campfire, the annual EGG WAR, CUMCITO Olympics and the huge water balloon fight on Friday.

All of this would not be possible without the dedication of our volunteer camp staff.  Their dedication is so much appreciated.  Some volunteers spent a week, or two, or even up to 6 weeks filling staff positions.  There willingness to serve allowed campers to enjoy a week away from the city and discover more deeply the love of Christ, so well demonstrated through each of the volunteers. 

Our annual Fall Retreat is scheduled for the end of this month and we are anticipating a weekend of fun activities and relationship building for some of our campers from the summer.  There has already been much excitement from camp staff about coming to the retreat and re-connecting with campers.  Please pray for God to do amazing things on this weekend of relationship building.

Submitted by Peggy Ramsey, Camp Specialist at City Union Mission

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Midway through Teen Boys' Camp - Prayer Requests

Wednesday, August 1, 2012  -  The capping event of Wednesday evening was chapel, at which Mr. Mark challenged us to look squarely at what kind of king Jesus is and determine whether he is a King worthy of following. Two very meaningful videos that explored aspects of the wondrous power and love of Christ caught the boys' attention and staff reported significant conversations at devotions afterward as the boys reflected on the videos and message.

Yet despite there being many boys who were listening intently and soaking up the message, there were also a number of boys who pridefully refused to listen and mocked the message. Please pray that God will pursue these boys' hearts and win them. We know that it is His will for them to be redeemed and rescued by Him, but we also know that Satan wants to encourage them in their pride and will do whatever he can to close their ears and hearts. Please pray for protection from spiritual attack here at camp, and that evil would have no power in these boys' hearts, but would cower and flee before the presence of Christ.

Thank you again for joining with us in prayer and expectation. At their meeting Wednesday, the counselors had these additional specific prayer requests and praises to share with you:
  •  Camper G has been struggling with unexpected breathing problems, and despite going to the clinic in Warsaw and the hospital in Clinton, the problems were not resolvable. He will be headed home today and is sad to be missing out on the rest of camp, as this is his first year at camp. Please pray that this will not discourage him from returning next year, and also that God will stir the heart of a staff member to stay in contact with this awesome boy throughout the year in Kansas City.
  • Counselor B is thankful for your prayers and wants to report that God has answered them in the form of the blessing of a good night's sleep for him and in an easing of the pain in his knee.
  • Please pray for his Camper L who is not eating for unknown reasons. He also wants to share this cool anecdote with you: One of our kitchen staff this week, who was a teen boy camper in this counselor's cabin two years ago, came in during devotions and the campers were very interested in the counselor and this staff member's testimonies. The staff member shared how that year in Counselor B's cabin was what shaped his own walk with God. He is dishwashing this week, and Counselor B talked through how hard kitchen work is, what a sacrifice that is, and how he has a passion for serving the boys even in difficult ways. The campers were super into this conversation, and several campers this week have expressed their excitement to return to camp as staff someday!
  • Counselor N is excited that devotions went well in his cabin and that what he had planned to talk about with his boys matched up exactly with what Mr. Mark had talked about: what it means to be a man. One of his campers, Camper C, has requested that we pray that God will change the campers' hearts, including his own.
  • Counselor J also reported that his cabin got to talk about being an ordinary man, and worked through the idea that Christianity is not just a bunch of rules. Camper D is probably the hardest struggle in his cabin because he doesn't want to participate.
  • Counselor D is feeling really hammered physically, and is worried that it's expressing itself emotionally. He is also feeling an unnatural heaviness, so please pray for his spiritual protection. His campers aren't defiant, but need many reminders and are annoying. Pray for the patience of Christ to be revealed in his responses to his campers. Praise God for devotion conversations about glorifying God with our actions and for good responses from the campers. It has been truly exciting to see the way that counselors have been openly and sacrificially sharing their lives with the campers and in doing so have been revealing Christ in their hearts in compelling ways.
  • Counselor C is physically exhausted, but his campers are very worn down too. Camper C in particular will be a challenge today because of his tiredness. Some of the quieter campers, however, are asking surprising and smart questions.
  • Thank you again for your prayers for Counselor J's devotions, because they went way better Tuesday night and the boys were excited to talk. Camper M even asked to share his own testimony and did so with the other campers. At 6:45 am, this same camper was up reading his bible in Psalm 148 and said "I had no idea you could praise God with singing." Pray for Camper C's health; after what seemed to be a minor injury Tuesday he has been complaining a lot and we're not sure how seriously to take it.
  • Praise that Counselor R saw a significant change between Monday and Tuesday's devotions. One camper in particular completely switched from not wanting to even be at camp, to being super attentive and engaging. Please pray for unity and camaraderie between his campers.
  • Counselor J didn't sleep again last night, and would appreciate your prayers for rest, and for focus for his campers during devotions.
  • Counselor S has an extremely quiet group, but, thanks be to God, devotions is when they start talking. He is thankful for Camper J, who is the voice of the group, for Camper T, who didn't want to come but is now having a great time, and for God's healing of his health, especially his throat.
  • Counselor P also has a quiet group, but they are starting to come out of their shells. Camper A was flagged for anger problems, but he has been doing really awesome. Please pray for responsiveness and discussion in their devotions, despite the boys' chill attitudes.
  • Counselor M is thankful for the love God has given him for each of his boys, and for the way that God has prepared him perfectly for these boys: "Each stage of my life that I've been through, I see in my boys." Please join us in fervent prayer for Camper A, who exploded yesterday and had to be restrained by four staff, he has been fighting with his father at home and is now rejecting God and camp. Please also pray for Camper R, who is asking for more proof of God and is struggling to have the faith to trust God. Additionally, you can pray for Camper S, who rededicated his life to God, but still wants to keep the ways of the world. Pray that he would be transfixed by the beauty of Jesus so that he can say with Paul, "I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things."
  • Finally, thank God with us that Camper Z has been recognizing his sin in the aftermath of discipline; please pray for this to turn to repentance and salvation.

Week Six - Teen Boys’ Camp

Monday, July 30, 2012  -  It's finally time for Teen Boys' Camp! This is the final week of camp down in Warsaw, and it is by far the most energetic and action-packed week of the entire summer!

On Monday morning 44 teenage boys arrived at camp, many of them excited returners. The staff greeted them exuberantly as they climbed off the bus, and after a great lunch and introductory chapel we plunged immediately into activities. The pool was a popular place this afternoon, with everyone appreciating the opportunity to cool off. However, the pool is definitely not a restful place at Teen Boys' Camp; every swimming time inevitably morphs into a massive counselors versus campers dunking competition!

Following afternoon swim time, cabin groups bonded over The Great Race, a series of unique competitive events that require precision, speed, and most importantly, teamwork. Teams had to do everything from launching water balloons at a target to rolling cookies down their faces into their mouths.

The evening continued with dinner and s'mores down at the lake and lots of lake activities: swimming, canoeing, paddleboating, kayaking, fishing, lake trampolining, and wrestling on our new-this-season-and-already-well-loved "Battle Barge" dock.

When it finally got too dark to keep playing, the boys returned to the campfire for worship and teaching. One of our counselors, Mr. Ronnie, shared his testimony, which was an incredible opportunity for the boys to connect with his story and get a glimpse of what the gospel means for real life.

Please be praying this week for open hearts for the boys, for opportunities for them to see the counselors and staff as real people with stories very much like their own, and for the boys to honestly evaluate who rules their lives and who deserves to rule their lives. Pray that they will see our King Jesus in all of his majesty, beauty, and authority!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012  -  Tuesday was another action-packed day of soaking up all that camp has to offer with our teen boy campers. The boys began their skill lessons today; they have each chosen an activity (canoeing, swimming, or archery) to work on all week and develop some advanced skills. They also began working with Mr. Kesner, our craft director, on a week-long project of crafting their own personalized belts out of leather strips.

Tuesday night is centered around an activity that is arguably the most anticipated of the entire week: the Egg War. Staff and campers face off in the woods in an epic game of Capture the Flag in which the method of getting a player out is to hit and splatter them with a raw egg. The boys (and the more adventurous staff) love it!

After much-needed showers, we returned to the chapel for worship and more solid teaching from Mr. Mark. He spoke about an extraordinary man, King Saul, who refused to allow God to rule his life and was destroyed by his own pride and sin, and an ordinary man, David, who was a repentant sinner redeemed by an extraordinary God for God's own honor and glory. He challenged the boys to consider what it means to be a man, and particularly what it means to be an ordinary man in the hands of an extraordinary God. After speaking through Mr. Mark, God then spoke powerfully to the boys through Mr. Mark, one of our rec staff this week, who shared his testimony with the boys as they listened raptly. It was so encouraging once again to see the boys get to experience this strong Christian staff member as a real person, just like them, a broken sinner who has been chosen and redeemed by a great God. Mr. Mark's sincerity as he urged the boys to follow Christ as their King and honor him with their lives was obvious, and several counselors reported great conversations at their devotions afterward and praised God for a developing mutual openness between campers and staff as they slowly build relationships.

Finally, we are all so thankful to the Lord for Monday night devotions, in which several campers were asking important questions. It seems like this is happening more than in other years, which is very exciting!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Week Five - Primary Camp & Tot-Lot

On Monday 3 buses full of campers, ages 4 to 8, arrived from City Union Mission in Kansas City around 12:15. They were hot and hungry and enjoyed the lunch that was waiting for them. After lunch, campers went to their cabins and spent the afternoon getting to know each other, their counselors and assistant counselors. Time in the chapel, at the pool, and free time after dinner completed their schedule for the day.

Our first full day of camp was on Tuesday. A few campers were homesick and had trouble sleeping. But most were very tired from the activities of their first day.

Campers are enjoying the chapel time. They are learning new songs and memorizing Bible verses. The Chapel staff is teaching the campers each day with a skit called The King is coming. They are also watching a video of a roving news reporter of Jesus and his disciples! What a wonderful experience for campers and staff! Swimming, crafts, optional activities, plus 3 meals, fills the day.

Sandra, the head cook this week at Big Camp recently had a birthday. Wanting to give her gifts, and not knowing what she would like, her friends asked her what would she enjoy. Sandra told her friends that she would like to have fresh fruit and veggies at camp this summer. She must have a wonderful group of friends because Sandra came to camp with 60 pounds of red grapes and 25 fresh pineapple. Wow! She shopped at HyVee and was given a discount on the produce. And she still has money left for Teen Boys Camp next week. What a wonderful servant!

Wednesday night the rains came while we slep and left behind clouds for Thursday that toned down the heat, although still mighty warm.  Campers are continuing to learn in chapel about our wonderful God.  The chapel staff is doing a great job as they teach the campers.

We have several recent prayer requests and ask that you take a few minutes and ask for Gods guidance:
  • Continued health and safety for staff and campers
  • Calm those campers that are experiencing homesickness
  • Help with energy  - the heat continues to wear on everyone
  • Eating meals and drinking plenty of water every day
  • That the campers will understand  the salvation story
  • Counselors are able to give adequate attention to each camper
  • Transition times when campers are changing activities
  • Wisdom and patience for adults to help with the power struggles between campers
  • One of the summer staff was in the hospital earlier this year and just received the bill from the hospital. He does not have insurance and is very concerned.
  • Female staff member hopes to have her father come for a visit from out of state. Hopefully they will be able to afford the trip. 
We wanted to share with you a few stories.  Some are sweet and innocent and some should make you laugh! 
  • At rest time today, the campers asked their counselor if they could look at their Bible so they could look up the stories that Ms. Peggy is teaching them in chapel.
  • A cabin of girls were walking to their cabin and noticed a bird up in the sky that look like a fish. One of the campers said "That bird looks like the fish that swallowed Jonah!"
  • One of our counselors recently received news that a friend of hers had a very sick newborn baby. She was sad and the young campers noticed so she told them that they could pray later for the baby. The campers stopped what they were doing at the playground and wanted to pray right then.They were all very concerned for their counselor and later at bed time three of the campers wanted to pray for the baby again.
  • Mr. Nathan, one of the janitors for the week was talking with a group of boys at meal time, One camper told him, "you look like my Dad." Nathan replied, "how do I look like your Dad? The camper replied, "Well, you're a bearded man, and your eyes look like my Dad's eyes. But not your face, My Dad's face is black."
  • At lunch the other day, the boys were talking about their favorite restaurants. Suggestions like McDonalds, Wendys, Sonic were all some of the favorites. One little boy spoke up and said, " My favorite restaurant is the cafeteria at Camp Cumcito!!
  • Before bed time each cabin settles in and the campers discuss with their counselor what they did that day. Included in this discussion is the lessons that they are learning in chapel which will lead into their evening devotions. One cabin reports that their devotion time is outstanding,! The girls don't always follow the designed plan but they do ask a lot of questions. This is how they learn! Recent questions: Why did Jesus die? Did he really come back to life? Did God make everything? Why did he ride on a donkey? All great questions for this age.
Our God is so great!! He hears our prayers and our praises. Let us thank Him for His continued faithfulness!

(Photos contributed by Mark Sewalson)

Friday, July 20, 2012

Volunteer Needs for Next 2 Weeks of Camp

Dear Camp CUMCITO Friends,

Camp has been amazing so far this summer.  Although it is HOT, the campers have been wonderful for the most part and we’ve seen much spiritual growth and action.  Please continue to pray for the next 2 weeks. 

We still have a few staff positions to fill, so please review the list below and pray for those positions to fill up so we won’t have to turn any campers away.  If you can fill any of them or know someone who can, please contact as soon as possible! Thanks!

Next week:   
  • Primary camp is FULLY STAFFED!!  Thanks to all who jumped in at the last minute and to those who planned well ahead! 
  • Tot Lot 3 still has one big sib opening. 
  • Last week of camp – Teen Boys (July 29-Aug 4) still need a janitor, one more kitchen assistant and one more recreation leader (prefer Lifeguard, but will accept someone not certified at this point).
  • Also for Teen Boys week, we need  6 more counselors.  Right now, there are 6 confirmed guys willing to lead these wonderful teen boys for a week, which means we can only bring 30 campers; but for every additional counselor who can come, we can take an additional 5 campers!  Can you help? 
Please pray for and about these positions and let us know as soon as possible if you are interested! 
  • Another big need we have for the next 2 weeks are Bus Monitors.  For every 15 campers that ride the bus to camp, we must have 1 adult to ride as a monitor.  We are still short several monitors for this Saturday morning – to pick up our Pre Teen campers.
  • We also need monitors for Monday morning and next Sat. morning for our Primary campers and will need some for our Teen Boys the following week.
If you are interested and need to know more info, you can contact Dena Baird at the Family Center (  

Thank you all for your prayers and support!

Sharing Stories, Praises & Prayers from Thursday

Journal – Thursday, July 19

The week is still going very well.  We are having far fewer and less serious discipline issues than normal.  Normally if major behavior issues come, they are emerging by Wednesday, and this has not happened, so praise God.

  •  One cabin of boys went to the lake yesterday, and one of their activities was on a floating structure where a sort of king-of-the-hill is played.  Three (out of 8) boys were afraid to get on because they didn’t want to get pushed off into the water.  The other 5 boys helped them climb on, and then when they were all ready, they all jumped off together.  Just one more illustration of unity in cabins.
  •  Another cabin of boys waked up this morning asking questions about hell and salvation – all of them.  Great opportunity for the counselors to share.
  • One girl who has not been connecting much with others in her cabin was crying in devotions, but another girl came over and comforted her, even using a hand-held fan to cool her.
  • One girl camper told her counselor that the knows her AC is doing what she does out of love for the camper.  The counselor suggested that she tell the AC that.  She told the AC that she loved her, and it was a bonding experience between them.
  • One girl camper was having difficulty with one part of her craft project, and another said, “I know how to do that – let me help you” – they are helping each other without prompting from someone else.

Big Camp Praise and Prayer Requests:  
  •  An AC and the assistant janitor are not feeling well.  Please pray for staff health.
  • The chapel skit is about a foster care situation, and it is speaking to the hearts of campers with disrupted families.  Please pray that God uses this in their lives to draw them to Himself.
  • Girls in camper V’s cabin are still treating her with love.
  • Camper K told his counselor he wants to take responsibility for his actions.  Please pray that this wonderful resolve continues.  
  •  In one girls’ cabin where there was conflict earlier in the week, the girls are getting along better.  True in a similar situation in a boys cabin.
  • Behavior issues, and the need to deal with them, although difficult, are leading to better connections between counselors and campers.
  • This year, it seems that many of the campers have heard the gospel before, but it it’s head knowledge, not a personal relationship with God.  Please pray that many will see that the relationship is missing and long to fill that void.
  • Campers are getting tired, and it’s taking them longer to obey instructions.  Please pray that counselors would know how to move them to obedience with gentleness and yet with firmness.
  • Counselors are tired too.  Please pray for rest and endurance, as well as unit among staff.
  • Pray that camper D would be able to focus and not instigate behavior issues.
  • Pray that camper C would be respectful and humble.
  •  We discovered that we do not have a Saturday cleaning crew for this week.  Please pray that God would send workers.
  • KEEP PRAYING!  This week is exceptional, and God is working!
 Tot Lot Prayer Requests: 
  • Please pray for some behavior issues (normal for tot lot):  Trouble listening, hitting (boys), anger
  • Please pray for tots who are increasingly homesick
  • Pray that big sibs would get more rest
  • Pray that big sibs would know the line between being stern and meeting the tots where they are
  • Pray that they would recognize teachable moments
  • Pray that they would be able to form deeper relationships with the tots, and the tots would realize that the big sibs would know they are loved

Thursday, July 19, 2012

What a way to start the week!

Journal – From Wednesday, July 18
First, an update from Monday evening.  A girl camper accepted the Lord Monday night.  This is very unusual for first day of camp.  We look forward to great things!

Counselors are seeing amazing attitudes from campers.  There seems to be a much higher-than-usual unity in many cabins, at least in these first days of the week.  For example, one cabin has a camper (V) with special needs, which could set the stage for teasing or worse.  Instead, the other girls in the cabin are rallying around her, taking special care of her.  When she signed up for a different activity than the other girls in the cabin, they were really concerned about her – “who will watch out for V if we’re not with her?”  Please pray that this love toward V continues through the week. 

In one of the boys cabins, there’s a camper who is 6 feet tall, and one who’s on the shorter end of the distribution.  Again, the stage was set for unkind behavior, but instead, the big camper shows leadership in treating the smaller camper with kindness. 

And a third story – camper K was playing on a seesaw with another girl.  The other girl unexpectedly jumped off the seesaw, and you know what happened.  Camper K was quickly on the ground.  She had been showing signs of attitude issues, and her counselor could imagine the cabin unity crashing with the seesaw.  But instead, the explosion never came.  Camper K laid on her back quietly until she got enough control to tell the other girl that it was OK.  She chose not to respond in anger.  Trust us, these things are amazingly, beautifully unusual, and it’s clear God is working.  DON’T STOP PRAYING!

 More praises:
  • Counselor M is feeling better and was able to be back in her role again on Tuesday.
  • Counselors J and B were able to share the gospel with their campers Monday evening, and the campers were asking good questions.
  • Another cabin of boys is really motivated and doing exceptionally well at their Bible memory work.
  • As a result of chapel teaching Monday evening, one girl camper wrote in her diary a list of characteristics of a man worthy of giving her heart to.
  • One boy camper is thankful that “God is bigger than the rent my mom has to pay by herself”.
  • In devotions, camper A asked his assistant counselor, “Did he (counselor) just say that we ALL deserve to go to hell?”  This is a camper who has been disengaged, but this was evidence that he is listening.
  • After chapel, campers in a boys cabin were asking good questions about worship, and then they wanted to worship.
  • Cabin of girls are becoming friends, not just girls who spend a week together.
  • Cabin of girls opening up after a fun physical activity, and counselors getting to know some of the girls who had been quieter.
  • One girls cabin went through the whole book of Esther with their counselors, and they had great questions.
  • One cabin of girls is really proud of knowing their memory verses, and they have been quizzing each other on their own.
  • Another cabin of girls had internalized their cabin rules and were “policing” each other (in a positive way) when their counselors were both away and another adult was with them. 
  • ALL the boys were participating in worship Tuesday night.  That almost never happens.

Prayer requests:
  • Campers K and G are still not getting along.  Please continue to pray for grace for their counselors and for peace in the cabin.  (But camper G started Wednesday in a positive mood – praise God.)
  •  Pray for camper J to get enough rest and be motivated to participate with the group.
  • Pray that camper K would put others before himself and respect and obey his counselor more quickly.
  • Pray that camper T would not be apathetic, but instead enjoy his time at camp.
  • Pray that camper D (and others) would be able to focus during devotions and chapel time, and would increase his understanding of the word of God.
  • Counselors J and B ask for prayer for energy, sleep, wisdom, and the ability to teach clearly.
  •  Pray for continued positive attitudes in the cabins.  Sometimes this doesn’t last.
  • Pray that camper J would seek unity with the rest of his cabin, and they would continue to unite around a common goal.
  • Pray for wisdom and patience for all the counselors as they deal with issues, and for enough rest.
  • Finally, please keep praying with us for chances to share the gospel with campers – revival!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Tuesdays Report from BIG Camp and TOT-LOT

Big Camp Report

We had a good first day of camp Monday.  We have a full camp this week with 38 boys and 49 girls.  About 2/3 of them have been to camp before this year.  They arrived around noon, and we welcomed them and immediately took them to lunch.  After that, we all met at the chapel for introductions to the week, and campers were assigned to cabins and counselors.  Once they were settled into their cabins, there was swim time at the pool and cabin time with counselors.  One cabin went to the lake before dinner and had a great time on the Battle Barge.
After dinner was the Great Race.  The rec staff set up 8 stations where campers took on different challenges.  There was a giant slingshot that they used to shoot water balloons at human targets hundreds of feet away.  There was a challenge of placing an oreo cookie on the forehead and getting it to their mouth without using their hands.  There was a challenge to shoot cups off a ledge with PVC pipe blowguns and Nerf darts.  You can imagine the fun!

 Prayer requests: 
  • One of our counselors, Miranda, has been ill, and others been filling in for her.  Please pray for her recovery and stamina.
  • In one cabin, there are a couple of girls who are not getting along.  Please pray for grace for their counselors and for peace in the cabin.
  • Praise:  One experienced staffer said this is the best first day of Pre-Teen camp she has ever seen.
  • Finally, please continue to pray with us for revival for these campers.

 Tot Lot Report

Tot Lot is also going well, although we did have to send one camper home because of behavior issues.  Many 'big sibs' reported that their campers got along very well.   There were a couple of campers who struggled initially (homesickness, wanting to be assigned to a different big sib, etc.), but by the end of the day, they had worked through those struggles. 

 Prayer requests:
  • Two campers whose initials are both D are not connecting well with the others in their groups yet.  Not behavior problems – more of being withdrawn and not interacting.  Pray that they open up and enjoy new relationships.
  • Pray for stamina for big sibs, who are on duty nearly 24 hours.
  • Pray for the camper who was sent home.  It’s sad that she will not be able to experience the rest of camp.  She was really looking forward to the first craft time, and she didn’t get to stay long enough to do that.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Week 4 Begins - Pray for Revival at Camp this Week!

Sunday evening our staff directors, Tom Seagraves and Nancy Todd, asked us camp staff to pray for a week of revival here at camp. 

Deeply sharing from his own personal experience and challenges in the last year, Tom described how God gave him a glimpse of His purpose for some of the hard things.  For example, He reminded Tom of times when God put him in a situation where he was able to share the gospel with people he normally would not have had opportunity to reach.  But in order to see these glimpses, Tom needed a revival in his own prayer life. 

 Tom then directed our attention to Jeremiah 32:17.  “Ah Lord God!  Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and by Your outstretched arm!  Nothing is too difficult for you.”  If nothing is too difficult for Him, then we should not be afraid to pray for revival.  Tom said that God had impressed on his heart to pray for revival at camp this week.  Then Nancy shared that God had used different means to put the same thing on her heart – revival at camp this week.   

Later this morning, 90+ campers, pre-teen boys & girls, will arrive for 5 days at Camp CUMCITO.  Will you pray with us for a big thing that’s not too difficult for our God?  Will you pray for revival for these campers?

Thursday, July 12, 2012

An Update from Family Camp

The theme this week has been 'The Hunger Games'. There have been games based on your hunger and thirst for God. They have had some good, deep discussions.

The clients were given wooden 2x4 pieces cut into blocks and they were told to write their burdens on this block at the beginning of the week. They have had to carry this block with their burdens written on it with them everywhere they go and they were told to try and figure out how to get rid it of. Summer Staff, volunteers and staff have offered to take their burden blocks away from them in exchange for extra pool time, an extra snack at canteen or extra free time. But at the end of the day the clients are given their burden blocks back and it is bigger than it was before! So they thought they were getting rid of it but it was not the right way of getting rid of it.

Tonight they are having a bonfire with a Cross set up at the fire and they will be throwing their burden blocks in the fire tonight. So be in prayer for this evening's lesson to touch each heart.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Week Two - Thursday Update

The 4th of July was celebrated with a late night swim and dance party in the canteen!  Our wonderful cook made special treats and there were red, white and blue decorations all around the pool.  The pool water was almost refreshing after a hot day in the sun.
We could hear fireworks even over the music that was blaring.  The girls were excited to do something different for the holiday, although some were wishing they were home with their families.  Many of the returning teen girls have made coming to camp a holiday tradition because it is usually held the week of the 4th.

Even after all the excitement of the party, some of the girls chose camping out as their optional activity.  There were 3 cabins of girls and one cabin for staff.  At 5:30 am one of the recreation staff woke up and noticed there were 3 girls standing outside of their tent.  These were the 16 year olds, our most veteran campers.  They were talking quietly and she couldn’t quite hear what they were saying.  All of the sudden they started shaking out their tent! 
They talked a little more and then one of the campers started praying over the tent.  Our rec staff person, Jodie, heard them asking God to remove all the bugs so they could get back to sleep!  They gave the tent one more shake, went back inside and went right back to sleep.  That’s called trusting God!

Prayer requests for Thursday, July 5th:
  • Praise God for our fun 4th of July celebration last night. 
  • Praise that several cabins have had deep devotions.  The campers have started opening up.  There have been many tears and late night conversations.
  • Today we are going to Truman Lake where the girls will swim and have a picnic supper.  Please pray for safety and fun! 
  • The heat is causing headaches, swollen ankles, leg cramps and sunburns.  Allergy symptoms have also kept our nurse busy late into the night.
  • Many campers have requested prayers for their families.  Our God knows each of their situations and needs.  Some would like their family members and friends to come to know Christ and for Him to keep them safe. 
  • They also want God to change their attitudes and to reduce the stress in their lives which will only come as they learn to trust Him more.
  • The counselors (and all staff) would like prayers for energy and perseverance to finish the week strong.  Good restful restorative sleep is also needed.
  • We have a camper with a sprained ankle.
  • 2 sisters who are homesick.
  • Campers testing their counselors
  • Many girls who are more concerned about what others think than what God thinks.
Thank you, thank you for your prayers!  They are where all the power comes from!!!

Week Two - Teen Girls at Camp

We have 54 girls at camp this week and the only way to keep cool is by getting wet!  Yesterday afternoon the girls spent time in the pool and at the lake last evening. We had a cookout and s’mores, showers and finally it was time for chapel. By the time the girls had finished devotions, they were so tired that all lights were out within 15 minuntes of the final bell!

There is at least one camper who has never been to church and this is her first time hearing about God!  Another camper has made it quite clear that she doesn’t want to hear about God.  We are praying that God will touch both of their hearts, as well as the hearts of all of the campers in His way and His time so that lives will be changed!

During breakfast at one of the tables the girls began sharing some very hard things going on in their lives.  The counselor shared that her father passed away recently and one of the campers shared that her father was killed in a car accident.  Another camper’s father has been in jail her whole life.  Another’s brother may be going to jail soon.  But because of all the hard things, they all agree that God is real!

 Prayer Requests:
  • Please pray for a break in the hot dry weather and restful sleep for campers and staff.
  • Unity in the cabins and that the veteran campers will welcome and help the newbies.
  • Patience
  • Healthy relationships between staff and campers.
  • Creativity in ways to connect with these girls, showing them the right balance between love and authority.
  • Wisdom and answers to hard questions.
  • Pray that the girls will begin to open up and experience God’s love.
  • Scripture will be learned and applied after camp.
  • Good health for staff & campers.
  • One teacher has a cough, a manager had a migraine and their are a lot of sore throats.
  • Also, for our teacher Kalie:  Pray for focus and the ability not to notice distractions during chapel.  That God will use what she has prepared and for the Holy Spirit to give her His words. 
  • There is one camper who has made it clear she doesn’t want to be here nor to hear about God.  Pray for God to soften her heart as well as the hearts of all of the campers He has brought here this week!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Week One - Friday's Carnival

Friday was the last full day at camp and we had a carnival! The Development Team from the Mission’s offices in Kansas City drove down to run the different booths. Some of the fun was popping balloons with darts, a dunking booth, a VERY wet water relay, face painting, horseshoes, basketball, refreshments and more.  It was a great time for the children to just relax, have fun and celebrate a very active and spirit filled week of camp.

A camper whose name is Jacier shared what he is learning, ”I can live a better life by trusting in God day by day”. 

Other campers had these comments to share during chapel – “Even though we mess up He will still love you.”  - “If you need friend to talk to, you can talk to Jesus!”

Three cabins went to camp out last night and they had an awesome devotion time.
Many campers asked great questions about Jesus and salvation.

Please continue to pray for the counselors for patience and wisdom when they are asked questions so that they can answer and teach what campers need to know. Also, please pray for campers, not only during the week, but also when they go back home that they will understand and receive the gift of God and have better understanding of Kingdom of God through the Holy Spirit! Please pray the campers know that God is there for them wherever they are.