Thursday, July 28, 2011

7/27 - The First Half of the Day

 Everyone was up and ready to go this morning!  The raising of the flag was Amazing. All the kids lined up, unfolded the flag and said the pledge of allegiance. We all went over for prayer and to eat breakfast and some of the kids got their turn at being the hopper. A hopper is the only one that gets to get up and get more food or drinks if someone at their table needs something. They all take so much pride in their jobs and responsibilities. 
Chapel this morning was quite a show! A puppet show that is, starring Diego and Isabel. Diego let Isabel know that God loves you no matter if you are naughty, if you did something bad, or if you are in a messed-up situation.  Diego made sure that Isabel knew that God loves her NO MATTER WHAT!! God always wants the best for you!  The kids said their memory verse for the day and got to pick their prizes. 
After Chapel some of the girls played volley ball and kick ball, with plenty of home runs, bump sets and spikes!  Followed by more fun making play-dough pizzas, tacos, and ice-cream, and some bubble time too! 

Meanwhile, the boys went down to the lake for a cool down enjoying swimming, canoe races, water trampoline and fishing.  There were a few boys that noticed how 'icky' the mud was, so they were encouraged to step in it to see what a good job God did by making the earth so neat feeling. They LOVED it!  The fish were biting one after the other and several brave souls enjoyed holding them!

(Submitted by 2011 Camp Journalist -  Amy Painter)

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