Thursday, July 7, 2011

Meet a few of our VIP's!

This morning our new camp cook made breakfast for the first time (without the expert help of one of our experienced cooks who came down to show her the ropes).  We had French toast and bacon…..Yum!  At camp we do not only meet the spiritual and emotional needs of the campers, we also meet their physical needs.  The kitchen staff has to be awake and ready to move quickly at 7am each morning.  Ms Ellen, our new cook, says that the job is overwhelming, but doable.  She is amazed at the thankfulness shown by the campers as well as the staff, some of whom see the same menu every week.

Another very important person at camp is our nurse.  This year we have a mother and daughter team.  Ms Cheryl brought her mother to be her assistant.  Ms Karen has had her eyes opened with a new view of American culture.  The nurses are kept busy with headaches and upset stomachs which can sometimes be heat related.  There are always lots of bumps and bruises which need band-aids and some old fashioned TLC.  The nurses give out encouragement and love as well as taking care of physical needs.  They also have a stash of chocolate for those staff members who need some comfort.

Ms Debbie, our canteen/laundry worker, washes hundreds of towels so the campers have a fresh one every day.  Canteen is always a favorite time of day.  In the middle of swim time, the campers are able to get a pop and a snack.

Last, but not least, are our faithful janitors.  They start work at 6am cleaning the shower houses.  They also have to make sure every cabin has enough toilet paper to last the day!  Their work is behind the scenes, but very necessary and very much appreciated!

Every morning our beloved kitchen staff, nurse, canteen/laundry worker, and janitors all meet for a time of prayer.  We share testimonies, a devotional time and receive instruction for the day from the camp manager.  It is a GREAT start for each day as we each have the opportunity to pour into the lives of these young people!

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